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Safeguarding Adults Reviews

Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs) are about learning lessons for the future. They will make sure that Safeguarding Adults Boards get the full picture of what went wrong, so that all organisations involved can improve their practice. Under the Care Act each member of the SAB must co-operate in and contribute to the carrying out of a review.

West of Berkshire Safeguarding Adults Board SAR Process

The SAR Panel have an agreed process for its SARs.

  • We have processes for learning and reviewing that are flexible and proportionate and open to professional and public challenge.
  • We can determine locally what type of review is appropriate dependent on the nature of the case and the agencies involved.
  • A culture of transparency is created that provides for a positive shared learning culture.

This document sets out the Boards’ expectations for a Safeguarding Adult Review of a serious case, within which there is room for professional judgement and flexibility.

Under the Care Act each member of the SAB must co-operate in and contribute to the carrying out of a review. The Board has set out a process for Board members, managers and practitioners, in order to clarify the different roles and responsibilities of individual agencies, the Safeguarding Adults Board and its Subgroups. This includes a notification of case for consideration template to be completed by anyone wishing to present a case for consideration by the SAR Panel.

Please contact the Boards Business Manager if you have any queries in regards to published SARs or the SAR process on

Safeguarding Adults Reviews

Safeguarding Adults Reviews commissioned by this Board  are published below, either as an executive summary or a full report. This section will be added to as more documents become available.

Full report on the case of Louis and a video from the author.

Full report on the case of Vihad and podcast from the author.

Full report on the Fire Safety SAR and Practice Note those that support vulnerable adults are strongly encouraged to attend the Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Services Adult at Risk Programme Training, as well as seeking out training opportunities around fire risk within their organisations.

Full report on the Case of Sandra, Practice Note and PodcastRebecca Berry, Head of Adult Safeguarding & Quality Assurance, Wokingham Borough Council and Sue Brain, Service Manager – Safeguarding Adults, West Berkshire Council. Have recorded their reflections on the learning from the Sandra SAR and how this can be used in ongoing practice.

Full report on the Case of Pauline, Practice Note, Webinar detailing the learning from Pauline, Presentation from webinar.

Practice note on Case of Steven.  In June 2022 the SAB held a bitesize learning session in regards to learning from this case, the recording can be found here.


Slough Safeguarding Adults Board – Mrs EE

Other reviews

  • Case X (2017): a SAR was not undertaken for the Case of X (2017) but the Board considered learning that was already available from local and national cases so as not to duplicate efforts. In particular, the case of Mr I completed in 2016 was noted as containing similar themes.
  • Domestic Homicide Reviews(DHR): both West Berkshire Council and Wokingham Borough Council have published Domestic Homicide Reviews on their websites
    West Berkshire DHRs
    Wokingham DHRs

Safeguarding Adults Reviews library

The Safeguarding Adults Reviews library commissioned by the Department of Health is being developed jointly by Research in Practice for Adults (RiPfA) and Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE), working closely with colleagues from the sector.

The Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR) library will contain reports and associated resources to support those involved in commissioning, conducting and quality assuring SARs.