MARM – Supporting Individuals to Manage Risk and Multi Agency Framework
The West of Berkshire Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board have a Supporting Individuals to Manage Risk and Multi Agency Risk Management Framework (MARM), this was reviewed and relaunched in October 2022 in response to our priority on Self-Neglect.
The guidance and framework has been devised to support the West of Berkshire Safeguarding Adults Board Partnership to achieve successful outcomes when working with individuals who are thought to be taking risks in their life. Click here for the document. There are a number of appendices to support the application of the framework which can be found here:
Appendix A – MARM Consideration Flowchart
Appendix B – STAGE 1 – MARM Consideration Request
Appendix C – STAGE 2 – MARM Meeting
Appendix D – SAB – Supporting Individuals to Manage Risk
Appendix E – MARM Positive Risk Management Tool
Appendix F – STAGE 3 – MARM Review
The purpose of the Multi Agency Risk Management Framework (MARM) is to support the individual and staff to reach agreement and adopt strategies around risk decision and the management of those risks where they are manageable. Concerns maybe around:
- Where a support plan will not meet identified risks.
- Where risks have been identified in giving an individual a direct payment to manage themselves including safeguarding concerns.
- Where an individual is putting themselves or others at significant risk by refusing services.
- All options have been explored and the level of risk is still high.
- Disagreement between services / agencies on managing the level of risk
- Any Local Authority worker can present a case to the MARM where there is a complex or challenging risk issue and where guidance and decision making are needed.
- The person does not have to be in receipt of Adult Social Care support, the reason for the presentation to panel might be due to the individual refusing support, despite having care and support needs.
Referrals to MARM cannot be made outside of the host local authorities, if agencies are concerned about risks to individuals these concerns should be raised via the Care Management and Safeguarding Referral Routes. If referrers are not informed or not satisfied with the response to the concerns raised this should be escalated to the manager of the host Local Authorities Safeguarding Adults Team.
Each Local Authority have produced a pre-recorded video describing how the MARM works in their organisations:
- West Berkshire Council MARM Process Video
- Wokingham Borough Council MARM Process Webinar
- Reading Borough Council MARM Process
The Board is keen to get feedback on this process, if you have anything you wish to share on the MARM please click here.