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Concerned about an adult?

If you are concerned that an adult is being abused or neglected:

In an emergency situation call the Police on 999.

If you think there has been a crime but it is not an emergency, call the Police on 101.

If you are concerned about yourself or another adult who may be being abused or neglected, contact Adult Social Care in the area in which the person lives, on the numbers, email address or by completed an online form below:

Reading – call 0118 9373747 or email at or complete a online form

West Berkshire – call 01635 519056 or email or complete a online form

Wokingham call 0118 974 6371 or email or complete a online form

For help out of normal working hours contact the Emergency Duty Team on 01344 351 999 or email


  • Stay calm and listen
  • Take what you are being told seriously
  • Offer support to help them stop the abuse happening
  • Be aware that medical or other evidence might be needed
  • Make a written note of what you have been told
  • Contact Adult Social Care in your local Council without delay.

Do not:

  • Press the person for more details
  • Assume that someone else will take action
  • Contact the alleged abuser
  • Promise to keep it a secret

What Will Happen Next?

Trained staff will carry out a careful and sensitive enquiry. What happens then will depend on the wishes of the person concerned and the seriousness of their situation. If they are in danger, ensuring their safety will be of utmost importance.

Information and advice will be offered so that the person can make an informed choice about any practical help they need or action they wish to take. If they are unable to make an informed choice, care will be taken to support or protect them.