Staying Safe
Anyone may need help to stay safe at some time in their life, but some people with care and support needs may be more vulnerable. In the Reading, West Berkshire and Wokingham there are schemes and advice to help people keep safe.
What is Prevent?
The focus of Prevent is on the significant threat posed by international terrorism and those in the UK who are inspired by it. But it is also concerned with reducing threats, risks and vulnerabilities posed by domestic extremists such as those from the far right and far left, extreme animal rights activists and those involved in Northern Irish related terrorism.
Prevent is supported by three objectives:
- Tackle the ideological causes of terrorism
- Intervene early to support people susceptible to radicalisation
- Enable people who have already engaged in terrorism to disengage and rehabilitate
The Prevent Duty means that we all need to pay ‘due regard’ to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism. Essentially, what this means is that we should appropriately consider Prevent when we are going about our day to day work. If you are concerned someone is susceptible to radicalisation and you’ve noticed changes in actions or behaviours, check your information and share it with someone. This could be your safeguarding lead for professionals or alternatively call the Police on 101 or 999 in an emergency.
It might be nothing, but it could be something.
If you suspect it, report it!
Call 999!
Channel Programme
Channel is a voluntary, confidential programme which safeguards people identified as susceptible to being drawn into terrorism.
It is a multi-agency process involving partners from the local authority, the police, education, health providers, and others.
Channel is a support programme – not a criminal sanction.
A Channel referral can come from anyone who is concerned about a person they know who might be at risk of radicalisation, including family members, friends, school leaders, or colleagues
Channel can offer a number of different types of support, such as:
- help with education and career advice
- dealing with mental or emotional health issues
- dealing with drug or alcohol abuse
- theological or ideological mentoring from a Channel intervention provider (a specialist mentor)
Radicalisation and Social Media
Research has found that 90% of the radicalisation process happens online. There are a range of social media sites that are used by extremists to groom young people. Often social media accounts are easy to set up and sometimes allow the account holder to remain fairly anonymous. Material such as news stories, blogs, pictures, videos and other information can be shared quickly and very widely. On sites such as YouTube, where videos can be hosted, multiple dummy accounts may be set up so that even if a video is taken down, it can be reposted again very fast.
Private messaging apps, such as WhatsApp, Kik, SureSpot and Viber, are also commonly used by extremists to contact children they are grooming. They can be a way of providing very specific information, for example on travel arrangements or what to pack for a journey abroad.
Online Radicalisation Information and Support
This is a difficult time for parents and carer and it is having a significant impact on families. Children are likely to be spending more time online and whilst rare, there are negative influences and online groomers who use online platforms to share there extreme views and ideas. Please click here to find out more information about the signs that someone may need help.
National police PREVENT – Contact the advice line to help you share a concern. Action Counters Terrorism website
Get help if you’re worried about someone being radicalised on the website
The Royal Berkshire Fire Rescue Service have the following fire safety leaflets/information sheets. The information is available in different languages on their website.
To see whether you qualify for a safe and well visit and for information about how to reduce the risk of fire in your home, go to the Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service’s website.
These leaflets provide advice on how to prevent pressure ulcers: React to Red and What happens if you don’t move around enough. If you are concerned, please speak to your GP.
The Safer Places scheme aims to provide people, and particularly those with a learning disability, with a safe place to go to where help can be summoned if they are feeling scared or upset while out on their own in the community. Vulnerable people can request a card where they can write their name and the phone number of their trusted person. They carry this card with them and if needed, they can show this card to the Safe Place staff who will make the phone call for them to someone they trust, who will either come and collect them or advise them on what they need to do. The Safe Places in the scheme are easily identified by the logo displayed in the front window.
Support With Confidence will help you find a wide range of care and support from people and businesses you can trust. West Berkshire and Wokingham are members of Support with Confidence. If you live in Reading, there is a Reading Services Guide for Adults & Carers Support Services.
Healthwatch is the consumer champion for health and social care, seeking your views and taking them to those who deliver and commission services. There is a Healthwatch in every local area. Click here for Healthwatch in Reading, West Berkshire and Wokingham.
The NHS has produced a guide for people who have care and support needs, and their carers, which can be found here: Your Guide to Care and Support.
Here is a video about Hidden Harms, focusing on Domestic Abuse and Older People.
During Safeguarding Adults Week in November 2023, a presentation was delivered to the Learning Disabilities Partnership Board on Keeping ourselves safe and how safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. Click here for a copy of that presentation.
The Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board have created the following fact sheets to support individuals and their families in their understanding of the Community DoLs process.
What is Community DoLs Fact Sheet
Rule 1.2 Rep and Advocacy Fact Sheet
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) are committed to providing services where every customer can experience fair access and opportunity, helping to ensure our services support as many people as possible.
Building on the work of DWP’s Customer Experience teams, this document sets out they are currently supporting customers who may require additional support to access our services and explains what we have planned and our future aspirations, considering new technology and service modernisation.